async function main() { const rawOpenapi = await fetch('openapi/merged.swagger.json') const rawOpenapiJson = await rawOpenapi.json() const openapi = convert(rawOpenapiJson) document.getElementById('api-reference').text = JSON.stringify(openapi) const scalar = document.createElement('script') scalar.type = 'text/javascript' scalar.src = '' document.body.appendChild(scalar) } function convert(input) { const { fixedPaths, uniqueTags } = fixPaths(input.paths) return { ...input, info: { title: 'MTPRM Portfolio API', termsOfService: '', contact: { email: '', }, version: '', }, securityDefinitions: { ApiKeyHeader: { type: 'apiKey', name: 'Grpc-Metadata-api-key', in: 'header', }, }, security: [{ ApiKeyHeader: [] }], paths: fixedPaths, tags: uniqueTags, } } function fixPaths(paths) { const fixedPaths = {} const tagHelper = new TagHelper() for (const curr of Object.entries(paths)) { // e.g. // // - pathName = `/mtprm.api.portfolio.resources.entities.v1.Service/List` // - pathValue = `{ ... }` const [pathName, pathValue] = curr if (pathName.startsWith('/mtprm.api.portfolio.resources')) { const parts = pathName.split('/') const [, fullName, serviceMethod] = parts const split = fullName.split('.') const resourceName = split[4] const serviceVersion = split[5] const tagName = tagHelper.add(resourceName, serviceVersion) fixedPaths[pathName] = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(pathValue).map(([httpMethod, operationDefinition]) => [ httpMethod, { ...operationDefinition, operationId: serviceMethod, tags: [tagName], }, ]) ) } } return { fixedPaths, uniqueTags: tagHelper.sortedTags(), } } // Tracks seen tags and deals with proper sorting class TagHelper { static GROUP_NAME_TO_ORDER = Object.fromEntries( ['Inquiries', 'Reports', 'Entities'].map((it, index) => [it, index]) ) fullNameToTag = new Map() add(resourceName, serviceVersion) { const groupName = this._groupName(resourceName) const fullName = `${groupName} (${serviceVersion})` this.fullNameToTag.set(fullName, { groupName, fullName }) return fullName } sortedTags() { const uniqueValues = Array.from(this.fullNameToTag.values()) uniqueValues.sort((a, b) => { const aGroup = TagHelper.GROUP_NAME_TO_ORDER[a.groupName] || -1 const bGroup = TagHelper.GROUP_NAME_TO_ORDER[b.groupName] || -1 const groupCompare = aGroup - bGroup if (groupCompare != 0) { return groupCompare } return a.fullName.localeCompare(b.fullName) }) return => ({ name: it.fullName })) } _groupName(resourceName) { switch (resourceName) { case 'entities': return 'Entities' case 'entities__0__reports__combined__xlsx': case 'entities__0__reports__summary': return 'Reports' case 'entity_inquiries': return 'Inquiries' default: return resourceName } } } main()